The Board of Directors of IPSC Ontario is comprised of seven elected members of IPSC Ontario
dedicated to the promotion of practical shooting. Each member of the board has their own unique talents:

PLEASE NOTE that all mailing addresses listed below are via a PO Box. IPSC Ontario does not maintain a physical office. DO NOT attempt to physically visit this office or hand deliver any items there.

2023 IPSC Ontario Board of Directors

      • Commissioners and Committees

        Members appointed to various committees because of their own special talents, of which we are especially thankful:

          • Membership – renewal, change of address, email, etc.
        Mailing Address:
        Membership Director
        I.P.S.C. Ontario
        P.O. Box 685
        Barrie, Ontario
        L4M 4V1
        Mailing Address:
        Black Badge Coordinator
        Josko Kovic
        I.P.S.C. Ontario
        P.O. Box 685 Barrie
        Barrie, Ontario 
        L4M 4V1
        Mailing Address:
        Phil Carreira
        I.P.S.C. Ontario
        P.O. Box 685 Barrie
        Barrie, Ontario 
        L4M 4V1



        General Office Mailing Address:

        I.P.S.C. Ontario
        P.O. Box 685 Barrie
        Barrie, Ontario 
        L4M 4V1

        PLEASE NOTE that all mailing addresses listed above are via a P.O. Box. IPSC Ontario does not maintain a physical office. DO NOT attempt to physically visit this office or hand deliver any items there.